My encounter with a mother at my workplace : Why am I so Happy ?

I recently had an interesting encounter with a mother at my workplace who asked me why I'm always happy. Work place is amazing great people to work with. Even though being self-employed and working on my own projects can be challenging, I try remain energised and happy. I work hard, often staying up all night and multitasking on many levels mostly learning new skills, but I don't let it get to me because I know that being self-employed and working on my businesses brings me joy and allows me to use my skills to help others and myself. So, I try to share my positivity with those around me.

I shared with her some of the things that have enabled me to remain joyful and content despite the challenges of life. I take care of myself first and foremost, both physically and mentally. This includes doing things I enjoy doing that are good for me, like journaling, meditation, and going to the gym. I also make an effort to think more positively than negatively about my life. I decide to look for the good and be grateful for it, even when everything around me is bad.

Another part of my life that has considerably improved is my appreciation. I try to be satisfied with what I have rather than always wanting more and being disappointed. This allows me to keep my cool and preserve my sense of reality under pressure. And when I do face challenges, I remind myself that they are just temporary and that I am making progress towards my goals. This gives me the strength to continue.

It goes beyond what I do for myself. It's also related to the relationships I have with others. When I come across someone who looks to be troubled or lost, I try to provide a sympathetic ear and words of encouragement. I always remind myself that kindness spreads quickly and that we are all on the same team. When people are pleasant to me, it just strengthens my belief in the power of good.

So, what have I learnt from all of this? Being optimistic is a way of life, not merely a mental state. It entails attending to your own needs, appreciating what you have, and engaging others in meaningful dialogue. It is about finding enjoyment and fulfilment in the simple things in life, even when things are difficult. And distributing that joy and optimism to others is the key to making the world a happier and better place.

I also wanted to remind everyone, especially children and other mothers with children, as well as husbands, to appreciate and show gratitude towards their mothers. Mothers are truly angels in disguise, and even small acts of kindness like helping out around the house by washing the dishes or taking out the trash can go a long way in showing them that they are valued and loved. This reminder is not just for others but also for myself to do more and be more appreciative to my maa.

For husbands, it's important to make time for each other to keep the spark in the relationship alive. Plan date nights or outings where you can both enjoy each other's company and be free to be yourselves. If you have teenagers, allow them to take care of themselves and respect their parents' "me time" together. It's important to have mutual respect and understanding for each other's needs.

Let's not stress out our mothers too much and give them the appreciation and support they deserve.

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