Unveiling the Truth About Interdimensional Beings: Our Journey as Eternal Souls


Do you ever think about what the concept of the soul truely means? During my spirtual jounrey I soon learned there have been many different beliefs and perspectives about this over the centuries. Some believe that we are just physical beings and don’t have a soul, while others believe that we have an immortal spiritual self. However, the truth is much more complex and involves the idea of interdimensional beings.

I want to share my jounrey with you about the understanding of interdimensional beings and how we are both not just physical beings but spiritual beings too. I hope the jounrey I found you’ll find it interesting too.

I have always wondered about what the relationship between our physical body and the soul really is ? What I found that there two distinct entities, each existing in its own plane. One being the physical plane, where we experience the physical world and universe, while on the other is the spiritual plane, where we are the eternal soul, trying to connected to the source. This connection can be felt through experiences such as dreams, meditation, and spiritual awakenings, which give us a glimpse into the spiritual realm and help us cleanse the dense energies we encounter in our daily lives.

What I found interesting is a lot of individuals are unaware that they are spiritual beings as well as physical beings. The “illusion of amnesiac soul” is a term used to describe this self-imposed restriction.

There is good great news, though, Spiritual awakening is the first step on the way to realising who we truly are as interdimensional beings. Through this procedure, we can escape the illusion and glimpse outside of our physical bodies. When we recognise that we are more than just physical beings, we are able to live a more fulfilling life, free from the constraints we place on ourselves.

Imagine being able to access your inner wisdom, establish a connection with a higher power, and lead a meaningful life. To awaken to your genuine interdimensional self means to experience it. It’s going to be a thrilling voyage, and I can’t wait for you to take part in it!

One frequently asked question is whether we exist in both the physical and spiritual realms at the same time. This question stems from our limited understanding of time and our firmly established three-dimensional world. In reality, we exist in both worlds, and our physical lives are only one aspect of our multidimensional existence. Our journey on Earth is a voluntary adventure in which we live multiple lives in various densities and dimensions.

In the spiritual realm, where all of our experiences exist simultaneously, the concept of time has no meaning. This can be difficult for us to understand because we live in a three-dimensional world where time is a linear concept. To better understand this, imagine our physical life as a stack of books that we read one after the other, whereas in the spiritual realm, we have access to a library where we can read any book without having to read the one on top first. This analogy helps to dispel the illusion of time and gives a clearer picture of our existence as interdimensional beings.

Many spiritual leaders and gurus have spoken out about interdimensional beings and the existence of the soul. Deepak Chopra, a well-known spiritual teacher and author, for example, says, “The soul is a quality, a presence, not a thing. It’s not something you can hold or see with your own eyes. The soul is the unchanging, eternal aspect of our being that exists outside of time and space.” This statement emphasises the idea that the soul is a spiritual presence that exists beyond our physical realm, rather than a physical entity.

Our physical existence on Earth is only a journey we agreed to take, and we also have multiple lives in various densities or dimensions. From a higher perspective, our lives are all adventures, and the concepts of past and future may be meaningless.

Many spiritual gurus and leaders’ teachings reflect this understanding of the soul. For example, Eckhart Tolle, a well-known spiritual teacher, writes in his book “”The Power of Now” asserts that “you are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean encapsulated in a single drop.” This means that we are a part of the source, the ocean of all-knowing consciousness, not just a small part of it.

Lord Krishna explains in “The Bhagavad Gita” that the soul is eternal, indestructible, and beyond time. “The soul is eternal and timeless,” he says, “because it can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, burned by fire, moistened by water, or withered by the wind.” This ancient text emphasises the idea that the soul is impervious to physical limitations.

The soul is a multifaceted and complex concept that extends beyond the physical realm. We are both physical and spiritual as interdimensional beings, and each entity occupies and experiences existence in their own unique way. We can live a purposeful and peaceful life by awakening our spirituality and understanding that we exist in both the physical and spiritual realms at the same time.

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