As I sit here in the early hours of February 26, 2023, I reflect on spirituality and how our beliefs about our place in the universe shape how we understand ourselves as individuals. It's a critical aspect of our lives that we often view as taboo, inappropriate, or even awkward to discuss.
I was born a Muslim, but life took unexpected turns, and my journey was filled with ups and downs and a whirlwind of emotions. However, I discovered that spirituality is an integral part of our relationship with ourselves, and we should not shy away from talking about it or exploring our mind, body, and soul. The beautiful aspect of my journey was that my family allowed me to be myself and ask millions of questions.
I remember pondering a few questions that speak volumes about our spirituality as individuals. Must we look within or beyond ourselves for mindfulness? Must we look to the past, present, or future to truly know ourselves? Regardless of whether you consider yourself "spiritual" or not, it's crucial to reflect on these questions.
To many, spirituality is associated with religion, and while they are related, I found that they are not the same thing. Religion is an organised set of beliefs, rituals, and practices centered around a higher power or being, whether it be God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna. On the other hand, spirituality is a personal journey that must be taken to find oneself. It's about connecting with our inner selves, understanding our place in the world, and developing a sense of purpose and meaning behind the chaos of life.
During my search, I found many different belief systems. Some believe that everything they need is within themselves and in the present. Buddhists, Hindus, and many spiritual atheists fall into this category. Meditation and mindfulness practices stem from this belief that by concentrating wholly on the present moment and within ourselves, we can tap into our inner consciousness or soul and feel complete and grounded.
Others believe that we are born incomplete and that God is the missing piece we're searching for. They believe that we must look beyond ourselves and towards an external power, namely God, Allah, Yahweh, to achieve true fulfillment and completion. This belief system implies looking towards the future, either towards the afterlife or the coming of the Messiah, depending on the particular faith.
On the other end of the spectrum, there are materialist atheists who have no concern about any aspect of their lives and indulge in drinking, drugs, and promiscuity with little regard for morality. They do not believe in any special purpose or soul and view humans as no different from any other animal. This view challenges the originally religious belief that humans are special somehow and that we are working towards a destiny of peak intelligence and awareness.
Regardless of your beliefs, it's essential to reflect on your spirituality and your beliefs about your place in the universe. It's more than just going to church, the mosque, or the yoga studio on weekends. It's about understanding who you truly are and how you can go about finding that out. You may pray from time to time, seeking comfort in the future, without realising that you're essentially reaching beyond yourself. Alternatively, you may prefer to meditate, not realising that in doing so, you're looking within yourself.
It's important to note that spirituality is a personal journey, and it does not require you to leave your religion. It's a journey you take to find yourself, to understand your place in the world, and to develop a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It requires self-reflection, introspection, and an open mind.
Spirituality is an integral part of our relationship with ourselves. It's a personal journey that we must all take to find ourselves, understand our place in the world, and develop a sense of purpose It is not necessary to leave one's religion to embark on a spiritual journey. Spirituality is a complementary path that involves self-reflection, introspection, and an open mind. It is essential to reflect on your spirituality and your beliefs about your place in the universe, regardless of your religious affiliations or lack thereof.
It's important to note that spirituality is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone's journey is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. It may involve practices such as meditation, prayer, spending time in nature, or other methods that resonate with you. Embrace the uncertainty, be patient with yourself, and trust the journey.
As you connect with your spiritual side, you may find that it brings a deeper sense of fulfillment and joy to your life, as well as a greater sense of connection to the world around you. Embrace your spirituality and see where it takes you on your personal journey of self-discovery and growth.