Once upon a time, there was a seeker who was on a quest to find the ultimate nectar of life, the one that would bring true happiness and inner peace. The seeker asked many wise men and women, but none of their answers satisfied him. He then decided to seek out a spiritual master who was known for his profound wisdom and deep understanding of the human soul.
The seeker traveled to a remote cave where the master lived, and asked him the same question he had asked all the other wise men and women: "O my true Master, father of my soul, which is the sweetest nectar in the world? There are so many kinds of nectar, and all are sweet to the taste, but I want to know which one will dispel my karma, my sins and the hunger of my soul? Which is the most exalted nectar for the body and for the soul?"
The master smiled and replied, "My dear seeker, the sweetest nectar is the nectar of the Divine. It is the nectar that comes from connecting to the source of all things, the one that gives life to everything. The nectar of the Divine is the one that nourishes your soul and brings inner peace to your mind and body. It is the one that is accessible to all, regardless of religion or belief.
"The nectar of the Divine is found in the practice of selfless service, in the cultivation of virtues such as compassion, kindness, and humility. It is the nectar that comes from the act of surrendering your ego and connecting to the higher power that is within you. It is the nectar that is found in meditation, prayer, and contemplation.
"When you taste this nectar, you will understand its incomparable flavor, its benefits, and its bliss. You will realize that it is the one true nectar that will quench the thirst of your soul and bring you to the state of inner peace and happiness. So, my dear seeker, go forth and taste the nectar of the Divine, and you will find that it is the most exalted nectar of all."
The seeker was deeply touched by the master's words and knew that he had found the answer he had been seeking. He thanked the master and set off on his journey to taste the nectar of the Divine, knowing that it would bring him to the state of inner peace and happiness he had always desired.