You walk around thinking I committed sin
But sin can only be taught by the very religion
That you were brought up on
Now you see, I'm not a rapper, just a man
Who let go of every religion to find my own wisdom
I've walked the streets and hustled,
But that life wasn't for me,
I couldn't bring myself to be heartless
I've seen brothers lose their lives
Walking around like dead zombies
Chasing the next hit, a dragon's fire
I've seen good sisters turn to hoes,
Just like drug dealers' wishes
Two brothers getting stabbed,
I almost lost my mind
When I heard they lost their lives
I reject the club life,
What did it teach me but harm?
I projected the harm of religion
Onto others, just as I was taught
But now I see, I'm not a rapper
If I'm conscious around you,
I'll probably rap, speak my truth
I can see it in your eyes,
The tough life, the reason why
I just can't be heartless in my own life
I have a past, my Chinese brothers
One loved chasing the dragon
To the point he cared little for his life
I know how hard it was for his younger brother
To cage him inside his home,
Hearing his broken soul scream
For just one hit
Piss and shit in the same room,
Caged like an animal
Responsibility falls on those who supply
One day, Allah will make your mothers cry
Feel that pain in their lives
For I'd rather be a tramp
Than to feed my mother harm
Only time will tell
I've repented so much in my life
That I spent half of it in a cage
Now I don't even come out of my cave
I've done bad, been worse,
Seen the ugly,
But now I have imitators
Thinking they can trace my lines
Thinking they can be me
But I am one of a kind,
Nothing can be me
I'm not a rapper, I'm a man
If I'm conscious around you,
I'll probably rap, speak my truth.